We provide professional services in:
Nonprofit & Grant Consulting
Professional Leadership & Management Training
501(c)3 Services
Grant Writing
Our Experience & Dedication
Excel has over 10 years of Nonprofit & Grants Industry experience with over $30,000,000 in successful grant experience and 98% of 501(c) 3 applications IRS approved.
Mission Statement
Our mission is to help government agencies and corporations provide services for its constituents, employees and the communities they serve in business management, social responsibility and human services.
We provide Nonprofit and Grant Consulting Services, and Training in Leadership, Team Building, Small Business, Nonprofit/Grant Administration and Professional Development.
We provide Nonprofit and Grant Consulting Services, and Training in Leadership, Team Building, Small Business, Nonprofit/Grant Administration and Professional Development.
We help people LIVE, WORK and DO LIFE TOGETHER!
- Excel specializes in Leadership/Business Management Training and Nonprofit/Grant Management Consulting Services, tailored to meet the unique needs of organizations seeking growth and efficiency. Our comprehensive services offer practical insights and adaptable training to empower individuals and teams with the skills needed to succeed in today's dynamic business environment. With customized solutions, Excel is committed to helping businesses thrive and achieve their full potential.
- Empowering Government Employees and Small Businesses through Comprehensive Training: Our specialized training team is committed to enhancing the leadership, professional development, and management skills of government employees, as well as fostering the growth of small businesses by imparting essential business and management expertise. Our tailored programs ensure government teams develop the strategic leadership and professional acumen necessary for efficient governance, while simultaneously providing small businesses with the tools and insights needed to elevate their operational and managerial capacities. By choosing our training services, government procurement officers invest in a holistic approach that not only enriches the capabilities of their workforce but also fuels the success and resilience of local businesses, contributing to overall economic development and organizational excellence.
- Elevating Organizational Performance by Empowering Human Resource Teams: Our team is dedicated to delivering transformative training programs designed to upskill HR professionals in talent acquisition, workforce development, and employee engagement. Through best practices, our training aims to strengthen HR capabilities, enabling teams to attract, retain, and develop top-tier talent. Through our tailored approach, we contribute to building a high-performing workforce that aligns with organizational goals and fosters a positive and inclusive workplace culture.
- Igniting The Torch for Nonprofit Agencies: We are dedicated and results-oriented in nonprofit and grant consulting. We leverage our expertise to empower organizations in achieving their missions. We are committed to driving positive social impact by providing strategic grant consulting services that enhance funding opportunities, strengthen community engagement, and contribute to the overall success of nonprofit initiatives. With a proven track record of over $30M in grant experiences which includes grant writing, program development, relationship building and as a grant reviewer for government agencies and foundations giving to agencies just like yours, we aspire to collaborate with organizations to maximize their potential and make a lasting difference in the communities they serve.
- Our clients receive personalized, confidential advice and implementation services characterized by the highest levels of integrity, expertise and objectivity.